Page-Speed and garland-revisited

Someone recently pointed out to me that i should install Page-Speed for Firefox and fix some of the errors in my theme.

Here is what another site said about the plugin..

Attention all webmasters and web developers! Google wants to help you improve the performance of your web pages. This week, Google released a tool called Page Speed which is capable of identifying different ways to make your site or web pages run faster.

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Garland 1.2

Ive updated Garland-Revisited. I had some problems with farbtastic and jquery with wordpress 2.8, after much hair pulling ive ditched farbtastic and the theme uses jscolor. Please someone try it with 2.8 and let me know if there are any problems, ive tried 2.8 and 2.8.1b2. here is the link to 1.2 of the theme:…

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