[HOWTO] Display number of spams stopped since your blog started.
So i wanted to display total number of spam coments blocked by askismet. Checking the the plugins source i found this function which returns the number: [php]get_option(‘akismet_spam_count’);[/php] Getting the blogs first post date was the tricky bit and required a database query: [php]$firstpost = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT post_date FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = ‘post’ AND post_status =…
Read MoreWindows 7 is here!
Windows 7 has finally gone RTM. After many leaked builds MS signed off the Release To Manufactoring build, and hours later its hit the usual p2p sites 🙂 Here are the SHA-1 hashes for both builds and the torrent links: # Windows 7 Retail Ultimate englisch (x86) Name: 7600.16385.090713-1255_x86fre_client_en-us_Retail_Ultimate-GRMCULFRER_EN_DVD.iso CRC: 0xC1C20F76 SHA-1: 0x5395DC4B38F7BDB1E005FF414DEEDFDB16DBF610 # Windows…
Read MoreI have the shingles!
Yes after nearly a week of agonizing pain the spots arrived so its definatly the shingles! I don’t recommend shingles to anyone, the pain is unbearable and it makes you feel dizzy and sick and also itches like a b*****d! So i have to go and see a doctor in the morning to get a…
Read MoreGarland 1.2
Ive updated Garland-Revisited. I had some problems with farbtastic and jquery with wordpress 2.8, after much hair pulling ive ditched farbtastic and the theme uses jscolor. Please someone try it with 2.8 and let me know if there are any problems, ive tried 2.8 and 2.8.1b2. here is the link to 1.2 of the theme:…
Read MoreGarland…
OK new version is ready just about! It includes comment numbering with support for Gregs comment numbering plugin, either categories or pages in the header menu and the 404 emails are now configurable. The 404.php will actually show the users useragent now so you can tell if your getting grief from a spambot or have…
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