WordPress updated!
WordPress released 2.7RC1 today, I updated to find a great new admin interface, new fonts too! Not entirely sure about the new icons tho… The stats widget is a great addon though 🙂 Here is a link to the release post: http://wordpress.org/development/2008/12/wordpress-27-release-candidate-1/
Read MoreBug fix and dev version
0.9.4 sees a bug fix in the admin, the plugin will work if the blog is in a /dir/ now. 1.0 dev version now has its own css inserted into the header so the html is fully XHTML complient! You can get the 1.0 version here.
Read More0.9.3 Released.
Admin cleaned up, looks better now. The widget code has been modified to take advantage of theme functions.php so it wont break themes anymore. Get the latest version here.
Read More0.9.1 Fixed admin bug
Spotted a bug in the admin page…couldnt change the settings at all! Fixed it with 0.9.1
Read MoreNearly 1.0 for Folding-Stats-Plus!
Version 1.0 is nearing completion for my folding plugin for wordpress! 0.9 Sees the flatfile cache removed and everything stored in the wordpress options, this means more control over style options and less problems with server configs/file permissions etc. Also, if the plugin tries to update your stats from the F@H server and sees the…
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