[HOWTO] WordPress Child Themes
Now go back to the themes menu of your dashboard and there will be a new theme there 😉
Now you can start customizing! Lets say for example you wanted to edit the header.php. First copy the original header.php from the garland-revisited parent folder and upload it into your fresh child folder, now you can edit it and your changes will never be lost!
DONT make a blank header.php file in the child folder and simply add your changes to it, it WILL override the file from the parent, you have to copy first then edit.
Good Luck!!
Here are some handy links:
the garland-revisited support post: http://www.pross.org.uk/389/garland-revisited-wordpress-theme.html
Template-override: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/template-overide/
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Thank you for the post! And here I thought Child Themes were just themes inspired by other themes. 🙂
Since I still have to upgrade Garland, I’ll do that today and then give this a try. I’ll let you know how it works!