WordPress updated!
WordPress released 2.7RC1 today, I updated to find a great new admin interface, new fonts too! Not entirely sure about the new icons tho… The stats widget is a great addon though 🙂 Here is a link to the release post:
Read MoreWordPress 2.7 Beta 3
WordPress 2.7 Beta 3 has been released for your testing pleasure. Here are some of the changes since Beta 2 (over 160 changes in total): Numerous style improvements and refinements. All admin notices now go under the page title. PHP Notice fixes. Dashboard widget options now properly save. Menu fixes. New design for Quick Edit.…
Read MoreWordPress beta2 is ready!
Beta2 is now released, I’m running CVS so got it automatically, download it and check it out! WordPress 2.7 Beta 2 is ready. Here is a quick rundown of changes since beta 1. The Upload button didn’t always show. Fixed. JS on the Dashboard broke for blogs with no comments, causing several UI elements to…
Read MoreWhat’s your favorite thing about the 2.7 Beta?
There have been a lot of posts and twitter announcements by people checking out the WordPress 2.7 Beta since it was announced yesterday. What’s your favorite thing about 2.7 so far? Or if you haven’t made the leap yet, to which feature are you most looking forward? Check out the poll here:
Read MoreWordPress 2.7 Beta 1 The first public beta of WordPress 2.7 is here at last. Join the thousands of people already testing 2.7 by downloading 2.7 Beta 1. As previously mentioned on this blog, 2.7 is bringing a new visual design. This design is almost completely implemented, but there are still a few areas that aren’t quite finished…
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