I haven’t downloaded yet. But you indicated that translations are in the lang/ folder. A question about that: why not use the default texts that are already translated?
Look in the default themes. They code looks like this:
I installed this theme and like it, but the color customization options don’t work if I publish WordPress to a directory other than the one it’s installed in. I’m guessing that there’s something I need to add to the code, but the question is–where?
I have a test blog setup here at home, with wordpress installed in a dir http://localhost/wordpress/ and the theme colours work with no problems, please tell e more about your problem….
1. Use the default texts (look inside the classic theme)
2. Compile a new pot file, the texts that are not default will be in this pot file (linenumber will change)
The POT file is simply a text file containing all the marked pieces of text, but organized in a special format.
When you have a POT file a translator can then add translations. This can be done by using a text editor, or by using a specialized localization tool. The role of the translator is to provide a translation for every marked string:
Thats exactly what i did, the file in the lang folder is ready to be loaded into a text editor then translated, the resulting mo file, garland-ru_RU.mo is then put back in the lang folder, the theme loads the file at runtime and it uses it to translate the texts. Thats how it works. There is no automatic way using wordpress default files, I wont sit down and copy-paste 20 languages that i dont speak either, but by including the pot file anyone can translate it, there is only about 25 phrases anyway!
If you do translate the file let me know and i will include it in the package of course with credit!
POedit is a great tool for editing the po file.
I’ve tried translating it using POedit. But some texts just wont update. “No comments”, “Comments are closed” , “Submit Comment”, “Name”, “Mail”, “Website”, “Logged in as” etc.
Thanks!! Where can I download?
It will be available here as soon as the wordpress team moderate the new version, usually takes about 12-24 hours.
I haven’t downloaded yet. But you indicated that translations are in the lang/ folder. A question about that: why not use the default texts that are already translated?
Look in the default themes. They code looks like this:
_e(‘Mail (will not be published)’);
yes there is a po file in the lang folder, you open that with poedit and translate it to your language…
Ok, thanks!
I’m just wondering why you’re not using the default translations that are distributed with WordPress…
Look in the classic theme (included with WP). It has code that looks like this:
_e(‘Enter your password to view comments.’);
comments_number(__(‘No Comments’), __(‘1 Comment’), __(‘% Comments’));
If you put the same code inside your theme, there will be no need to translate… (unless you have texts that are not available in the default themes).
If you want to, I can change all this code and send you the files. Please let me know.
/ Kia
If you want to take it on then be my guest!
I installed this theme and like it, but the color customization options don’t work if I publish WordPress to a directory other than the one it’s installed in. I’m guessing that there’s something I need to add to the code, but the question is–where?
I have a test blog setup here at home, with wordpress installed in a dir http://localhost/wordpress/ and the theme colours work with no problems, please tell e more about your problem….
Захватывающе. Зачет! и ниипет!
I’m not sure which texts that are included in the default WP installation and which that are only used in your theme…
The problem isnt the texts, its the linenumbers, they will be different.
What linenumbers?
in the translation file..for example:
#: index.php:17 index.php:17
msgid "No Comments »"
msgstr ""
It refers to index.php line 17, these linenumbers will not be the same as a default wordpress theme
1. Use the default texts (look inside the classic theme)
2. Compile a new pot file, the texts that are not default will be in this pot file (linenumber will change)
See: http://urbangiraffe.com/articles/localizing-wordpress-themes-and-plugins/2/
The POT file is simply a text file containing all the marked pieces of text, but organized in a special format.
When you have a POT file a translator can then add translations. This can be done by using a text editor, or by using a specialized localization tool. The role of the translator is to provide a translation for every marked string:
Thats exactly what i did, the file in the lang folder is ready to be loaded into a text editor then translated, the resulting mo file, garland-ru_RU.mo is then put back in the lang folder, the theme loads the file at runtime and it uses it to translate the texts. Thats how it works. There is no automatic way using wordpress default files, I wont sit down and copy-paste 20 languages that i dont speak either, but by including the pot file anyone can translate it, there is only about 25 phrases anyway!
If you do translate the file let me know and i will include it in the package of course with credit!
POedit is a great tool for editing the po file.
I’ve tried translating it using POedit. But some texts just wont update. “No comments”, “Comments are closed” , “Submit Comment”, “Name”, “Mail”, “Website”, “Logged in as” etc.